The Decorah City Council has approved by a vote of 6-1 a budget for the 2024 fiscal year that would include total expenditures of $20,778,679. The lone vote against the budget was cast by Council Member Randy Schissel. After a public hearing, during which no members of the public voiced their opinions, a vote was taken.

Decorah homes will pay $16.40 per $1,000 assessed valuation.
The budget for 2024 asks for spending that is $5,756,435 higher than the budget for this year, which is $15,022,244. Nevertheless, $4 million of the budget increase is going toward making repairs and upgrades to the city’s Wastewater Treatment Plant. This is money that will be returned back to the city by a grant from the State of Iowa.
Because of an error made by the state government in the calculation of the residential property rollback amount, the deadline for approving the budget for this year has been pushed back to the 30th of April.